Transgender Birth Certificate Change Fails in Colorado

A bill to make it easier for transgender peopleto change their birth certificates has failed in a RepublicanColorado Senate committee.The bill would have changed the process for transgender residents to update their birth certificates to reflect their correct gender.

The bill would have allowed the change without the person getting surgery. And the new birth certificate would not be marked as “amended,” as is the case now.

The bill passed the Democratic House but failed on party lines 3-2 in a Senate committee Monday. Republicans did not explain their votes.





Staten Island Councilmember Endorses Trump

Yesterday my representative in The New York City Council stated he is actively supporting Donald Trump for President! This shows how much he doesn’t support his constituents. Especially me and those who live on the south shore in the LGBT community and immigrant communities. This is NOT acceptable! Here is what he said in his Facebook post about his endorsement. 

From CM Joe Borelli post on FB

 Dear friends and fellow Staten Islanders. Yesterday, a story ran in the Staten Island Advance that indicated my intention to support Donald Trump for President. Additionally, an editorial was written questioning my judgment if I did so. Today, I will make no apology of the fact that I am proudly endorsing Donald Trump for President.

This election has made at least one thing clear, people are sick of the Washington beltway cronyism that has stifled repeated attempts to change the status quo, either from the right or left. In my view, what our country needs is a transformation, and in my view, Donald Trump is the candidate best suited to offer the country transformational change. While I would happily support any of the Republican candidates if they were to be the nominee, Mr. Trump not only offers our party the best chance to win but offers America the best opportunity to get back on the right track.

I have met and spoke with Donald Trump, his staff and his advisers many times over the years. The man I met was smart, bold, visionary and unafraid of challenges. Additionally, he’s able to boil complex intellectual ideas on issues like trade, the economy, homeland security and restoring American exceptionalism into ideas that are easily understood by the masses, who are sick of the same old D.C. jargon. These are just a few of the qualities, which will make him a great President. Additionally, the people he’s always surrounded himself with are incredibly bright and talented. After years of seeing politicians select campaign bundlers or what they thought was the politically correct choice, it will be refreshing to see a President surround himself with the finest talent this country has to offer.

Donald Trump is brash, plainspoken, quick to criticize, and not overly consumed by saying things in the most politically correct way. I find his style, his candor and his ability to connect with people very refreshing, as do the millions of Americans who have already voted for him and the millions more who are eager to do so.

While I certainly don’t agree with all of his proposals, I’m yet to encounter a candidate with whom I agree 100% of the time. I’m confident that when Mr. Trump is elected, he’ll be able to work with elected officials of all political persuasions, while not compromising the core values, which make him so appealing.

Donald Trump’s candidacy is motivating people whether his critics like it or not. Aside from packing arenas, a clear indicator of the enthusiasm for his candidacy, he also represents the best opportunity to grow the GOP base. In many early primary states, the Republican turnout is more or almost more than double the Democrats. (AL, AR, GA, NH, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA.)

I have formally asked our State Chairman and State Committee members to be designated a Trump delegate to the convention, and I look forward to voting for him in NY’s primary on April 19th and in the general election in November.


A comment from another of his constituents read as follows:

“Mr. Borelli, as someone who supported you and as one of your constituents, I would like to know your justification of the Ku Klux Klan and Joe Arpaio’s endorsement of Mr. Trump and his refusal to disavow them. I also would like to understand how you endorse someone to be the leader of the free world who has made overtly racist blanket statements regarding Mexicans and Muslims, as well as disrespectful and inferior sentiments towards women. Please explain. I’ll wait…” 

2013 LGBT Accomplishments and More



2013 has been a powerful year of accomplishments for the members of the LGBT community. It has also been a great year as a self identified transgender man and open bisexual in New York City.  Here are some of the international, national and city LGBT moments of 2013 (not in any particular order)

  • Aziz Ansari Took Down Homophobia in 2 minutes flat
  • Barilla Pasta’s CEO learned NOT to mess with the LGBT community
  • Orange is the New Black and Laverne Cox become the first mainstream scripted television series too cast a transwoman of color in a leading role
  • GLAAD Expanded it’s mission to include Trans* Rights
  • Steamy Photo- Shoot featuring Ines Rau a Transwoman, made waves
  • Chelsea Manning bravely opened up about her gender identity
  • Kristen Beek became the first Transgender Navy SEAL to come out after her service
  • Islan Neetles death sparked calls from Politicians to Pass GENDA (Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act)
  • Same Love- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
  • The Boy Scouts will allow gay boys too be scouts
  • NBA Jason Collins Came out
  • Pope Francis “If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge”
  • Jodie Foster Came Out
  • 75% of Millennial Came Out in Support of Marriage Equality
  • DOMA and Prop 8 struck down on the same day
  • Bryan John Ellicott and the HRC
  • July 7th Launch of this Blog
  • New Jersey, Hawaii, Delaware, Maryland, Illinois, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Utah
  • Colorado allows Civil Unions
  • Republican Rob Portman came out in Support of his gay son & Marriage Equality
  • Raven Simone Came Out on twitter
  • Edie Windsor @ NYC Pride
  • Tim Cook Came Out in Support of ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act)
  • France, New Zealand, England and Wales, Uruguay all got Marriage Equality
  • Germany offers a third gender option on birth certificates
  • GQ Magazine Germany shot straight allies committed to Ending Homophobia
  • Australia’s PM took down every argument against Marriage Equality in One Speech
  • Activist fought back against Russia Anti-Gay Law
  • President Obama appointed Gay Athlete Billy Jean to Represent USA in the Sochi Olympics

SR-71 Lyrics So…

SR-71 Lyrics Song “Politically Correct”

I don’t mean to piss you off with things I might say
But when I try to shut my mouth they come out anyway
When I speak my mind, that’s when we connect
But that’s not politically correct

Your head’s so filled with thought, you can’t use your imagination
Like a sky so filled with stars, you can’t find a constellation
And everyone’s so sensitive to every bad vibration
We’re so impressing while we’re regressing

There’s nothing I believe in more than my own insignificance
So why does everybody think that my words can make a difference
I just don’t have time to think up every social consequence
I’ll just keep on talking you keep applauding

I don’t mean to piss you off with things I might say
But when I try to shut my mouth they come out anyway
If you spoke your mind you might feel more connected
But, until you get politically corrected

You lean a little to the left or the right but
You can only see what’s on your side.
Look a little like a deer in the headlights
A little blind a little hypnotized.
So you conform with the best of intention
Change comes from inside.
After all that’s what this country was founded on
Do nothing different just fall in line.

What happened to make us so afraid
You couldn’t make a Mel Brooks movie today
I saw Blazing Saddles yesterday


De Blasio vs Lhota


Last week Democratic candidate Bill De Blasio and Republican candidate Joe Lhota had there first public debate on local news channel ABC 7 with moderator Bill Ritter. The debate was heated and called many of the obvious differences in the candidates and their plans for the City of New York starting the first of January 2014.

Recently with the motorcycle gang and SUV incident on the West Side Highway the candidates were asked about how they would handle that situation. Lhota said he “wouldn’t sit down and have coffee with motorcycle groups” it appears that Lhota doesn’t want a relationship between the NYPD and the community.  De Blasio wants to bring back a sense of community between both the NYPD and Community, that includes motorcycle groups, explaining that these kinds of acts are unacceptable and these folks that did this are going to face jail time. De Blasio made it clear that we need to end the policy of Stop and Frisk in New York City and we need to have a brand new police commissioner under the new administration. Lhota believes that we need to use stop and frisk as a tool but it needs to be done differently, and he wants too keep Ray Kelly as Commissioner in the 2014 Administration

Charter School is a big issue among parents of children who attend those schools across the New York City Area. Bill de Blasio mentioned that ninety five percent of the schools in NYC are public schools, and five percent are charter schools. Bill de Blasio mentioned his plan to tax people in New York City who make half a million dollars or more a year and use that money to fund Full Day Pre-K for children in NYC. Mr. Lhota believes that charter schools are public schools, even when they have millions of dollars of there own, that they should not pay rent for their property.

Mr. de Balsio has a plan to find support and resource training for teachers across the city; he also has a plan for the retention of teachers and again discussed his early childhood education plan of full day Pre-K.

Mr Lhota also agrees that teachers need more resources and training. However the discussion on his afflication to the Tea Party is a big issue for many about Mr. Lhota. He declared he is Pro Choice and Pro Marriage Equality and Pro Gay Rights, however he has the support of the Conservative Party and the Tea Party of Staten Island. He also wanted to have the Affordable Health Care Act delayed by a year. Joe Lhota is playing both sides of the game, sides that don’t see eye to eye on these issues.

Both candidates answered questions about the Affordable Housing issue in New York City.  They have two very different plans; they both provide numbers for goals to build more affordable housing. Lhota makes it clear “I DO NOT believe inclusionary zoning” We must demand that all new buildings being built need to provide Affordable Housing to the city.

Lhtoa wants to declare a Housing Emergency as of January 1st. . Lhota said he would build 150,000 over years, that won’t be possible if he does not believe in “ inclusionary zoning” one again Lhota is one clear on his plan with his views on the issues.

Bill de Blasio wants to make sure that No New Yorker is left behind. He wants to address the inequality of this city. He has the endorsements of President Obama, former President Clinton, and former Sectary of State Clinton, and he was her regional director of Housing. He currently is Public Advocate and he has a grassroots approach too most of his work.

Lhota doesn’t seem to see the divide in the city. He makes a point of his direct management skills. He was Operations Deputy Mayor under Mayor Giuliani. He was the Chairman and CEO of the MTA. He gave tax breaks, which the moderator mentioned was 16 million a year.

De Blasio mentions that 46% of New Yorkers are at our near the poverty. We need to admit the problem and than fix it. De Blasio mentioned that Lhota believes in trickle down economics. He believes that his idea about full day Pre-K is just what the progressive and Democratic Party should support bold and big ideas on issues.De Blasio has a plan to build 200,000 Affordable Housing units over the past 10 years.

This debate made it clear that Bill de Blasio is the best candidate for the job of the 109th Mayor of New York City. We need to bring the Democratic Party back to City Hall. We need to have a strong group of Progressive Democratic Leaders in New York City. He has the plan to bring the people of New York City together to support the interests of all groups, while making sure the issues we all share as being important are taken care of.