Transgender Women Attacked in Astoria Queens

On January 8th, 2014 a 30 year old transwoman whom wishes to remain anonymous for now, went to the Neptune Diner in Astoria Queens, New York City to eat an early morning meal with a friend. Her friend, a 32 year old cisgender man, went to the restroom. According to Deputy Inspector Kevin Maloney of the 114th Precinct in NYC that is when three other patrons in the diner began to insult the transwoman.

The three other patrons included two cisgender women and one cisgender male. One of the ciswoman commented loudly to her friend “She is really a man”, while referring to the transwoman. Then one of the ciswoman remarked to the transwoman “Why are you dressed like that,” referring to and discriminating about her gender identity presentation. According to Deputy Inspector Maloney at that point the cisman returned from the restroom and one of the ciswomen threw a plate at his face.

The police were called and the offenders had left the diner before they arrived. The cisman and transwoman were taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital in Astoria Queens. The cisman received twelve stitches to his forehead and it is unclear if the transwoman sustained any injuries. The investigating police officers referred the case to the NYPD Hate Crimes Taskforce and it is now being investigated as a hate crime.

Police need your assistance in identifying the individuals in the photograph as they are the suspects to this attack. If you have any information please contact the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS. You can also text tips to 274637 and enter TIP577.
